Monday, December 26, 2005

We are at War, does anyone remember?
A great American newspaper for some unstated reason continues to support and comfort radical Muslim propaganda. It is shameful and dangerous to American soldiers and the American people. It is as if The Times were writing scripts for the bad guys, for their media outlets and Al Jazzera television.
WE ARE AT WAR and Abu Grabe, wiretaps, Guantanimo, Koran desecration, prisoner torture are all Times stories that cost American lives for the sake of journalism, anti Bush journalism. What came out of all those sensationalised, fundamentally accusatory, flawed stories were the finding guilty of a couple of misguided American soldiers. Soldier mistreatment of prisoners could have been handled internally and discreetly by the military if elected officials and the media used discretion. Instead they got their stories and political capitol without regard to the cost of how many soldiers lives and how many new recruits for al Qaida came about.
The Times leads us to believe that America ferries prisoners to various countries that mistreat their prisoners because the government has some perverse, cruel intentions. The report of wire taps put on American citizens without court approval is again reveled not for the protection of American citizens but to embarrass the president and to imply that he thinks that he is above the law. What transparent political muckraking.
WE ARE AT WAR and disclosing a variety of national security secrets at the Times choosing, as the Times does, is near treasonous.
War is hell, and the participants get hurt, hurt others, and break things, that is the nature of the terrible business. Our soldiers and their allies risk their lives every day to bring a better life to Iraqis. Where are the stories of their accomplishments? Every day the enemy is out to kill our young boys and girls. Is it that they want to bring a better life of freedom to Iraqis? I don't think so! They kill more of their own than ours. Our soldiers need our protection, support and warning if they are in jeopardy, as do our US citizens at home need the protection of information. Information provided quite often by captured prisoners and wiretaps.
President Bush, and Secretary of State, Condi Rice said in public statements that we do not torture prisoners. I believe them. I prefer to believe them. I want to believe them and until some one proves otherwise I'll continue to believe my President and Secretary of State. To accuse without proof is simply propaganda for the enemy and political hay for opposing politicians.
Why is it that accusations show up on page one and later proof otherwise shows itself on page eight, if at all?
WE ARE AT WAR and it is not the US policy to torture prisoners, but we do interrogate them. Congress is debating and defining new definition's and limitations of interrogations. Senator McCain is very much in the middle of the issue because of his up close personal military and prisoner history, and he is a political hack as are most politicians. His concern and involvement is understandable and welcomed. But to all of us there should be only one first concern, the protection of US citizens and our soldiers.
WE ARE AT WAR and that is distasteful to our civilized desires in this day and age. Most Americans abhor war and all the killing and lost treasure that goes with it. Many find it difficult accepting the fact that we really do have an enemy that would kill us as soon as look at us. The fantasy world of believing that if we picket or rally for 'no more war,' that somehow our enemy's will simply go away or disappear. They prefer to believe that the war on terrorism is our fault, or Bush's, or America's. Not all of us recognize that we are being forced by the times to make distasteful decisions.
WE ARE AT WAR and the enemy that has no rules, no uniforms, no country, no stated goals except to kill indiscriminately. No one in this country in their right mind ever wants war. The protesting liberals think the subject of peace, not war, is their exclusive domain. That they thought of it, they campaigned and picket for it, and they are the only ones that want peace. What they fail to remember is that throughout our history we have always had to pay a high price for peace.
Two thousand and one brought to the President and most of the country a new understanding about war and a new kind of war. War on our soil. The immediate reaction and understanding reached by this administration is to not stand by, but to react. Initiating a military action against those responsible and those that support our destruction now, and on our terms, on their turf, is better and wiser than sure disaster later on our enemy's terms, and on our turf.
This new kind of war is one where the depth and level of the enemy's willingness to commit terror to achieve unstated goals is no more than the mayhem created by street gangs in any city in the world. All gangs and their leaders are criminals and enemy's of the state including rogue nations.
Abroad, the coalition of willing nations seem to be the only ones with the foresight to stop those rogue nations in there tracks. The list of rogue nations and their leaders is not long but they are deadly dangerous.

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