Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Taking a short vacation this summer from politics and working on my third book.
Obama vs. McCain can wait for me until this fall.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

The Democratic Race Is Over

Now we choose between ideologies. On the one hand is Obama the dreamer and the other is a realist-dreamer with experience.

They both seem to think that a stronger Washington is the answer and the solution for all the ills of our democracy.

Democracies are never perfect and history judges them by how long it's people enjoy the freedoms of liberty and individuality. I think liberty with either these two running things is in more jeopardy than ever.

Obama wants a real swing towards European style of government, more hands on and more equalization of living standards among the people. He would like more government control of business , health care and your pursuit of happiness. And with a looming Democratic Congress on the horizon he will get his wishes.

McCain seems to push for more government controls as well but only to mediate social 'fairness'. He wants health care for everyone and that will get him some votes, and he wants the Iraq situation to be resolved in a fashion that will help stabilize a volatile Middle East and that will lose him some votes.

Both candidates are considered liberal by conservative standards with McCain being the lesser of the two evils. So with little choice McCain will receive the Conservative vote and the middle of the roaders. Obama will gain the exuberant youth vote, the black vote and many voters unhappy with America fighting a war. He will gain the intellectual vote, the union vote and 94% of the black vote, oops, did I repeat myself?

The choices are not great from my perspective but I forever hold out the hope that the Republican party of Reagan, conservatives at heart, will keep up the good fight. I hope they will keep in mind that this great country is made of people of stronger stuff, the kind of people that want to earn what they need in life and not have it taken from a neighbor and handed to them, minus a 20% government commission, for doing nothing to earn it. So I vote Republican knowing that there are many politicians left in the party that still believe as I believe, that we want to protect this countries interests around the world, be it for business's sake or for peace sake and we want to keep the drive strong to succeed in life.

I don't vote for a Democrat because they traditionally want a bigger government, stricter control of business, higher taxes, more domestic power, and an isolationist policy for our State Department.

I don't hold out much hope for McCain's success next fall and I'm really scared of the direction that Obama and a Democratic Congress may take this country in the next four years. this country can really fall into the doldrums with poor demoralizing leadership. Just look back at the Carter years.

Barack O'Carter here we come.

News flash:
Canadian doctors are now commuting and practicing medicine in America's norther states from North Dakota to Maine in record numbers. Why do you think that is with patients in Canada waiting weeks and sometimes months for and office visit?