Monday, January 30, 2006

Is The President spending too much?

New Billions for Medicare drugs, Katrina relief, War on Terror. No Child Left Behind, Agriculture, Roads. Where do we stop? We don't.

Four hundred billion in deficits this year alone and growing in spite of record revenues from a record healthy growing economy.

Congress sends to the President all spending bills but the President has veto power, so why hasn't he? Not one veto.

The Democrats have been known in the past as the big spenders and big government but President Bush is giving that title a run for its money.

I realize that spending money helps Congressmen and the President stay in power, after all, that is the way its always been. Now, for the first time in seventy years we have a Republican President and Congress in office for more that four consecutive years and they want to keep it that way.

Over the many years the Democrats have been power they have slowly eroded America's conservative independent view of what government should be and have pushed an agenda of liberal, big government socialist programs. Over the years the Democrats have appointed activist judges to move their agenda when congress could not . Democrats have been pointing us in the direction of the European model of cradle to grave government care for all its citizens.
We should take note that Europe is growing weaker, economically, by the day, due to socialist ideologies. Canada, France, and Germany are beginning, ever so slightly, to see the error in their ways by voting conservatively in recent elections.
I do not necessarily like it, but I think the present administration and Congress are using the same successful pork barrel methods the Democrats have used for years to move their agendas. So long as the Republicans stay in power I believe the Republicans will slowly, bit by bit, change the present Social Security system, the tax code, and the public school system, plus strengthen the economy further, and bring the Middle East into the twenty first century. I think that the Republicans, given the time and leaders of conviction like Bush, can reshape the American way of life away from a depressing, disrespected socialist welfare state to a strong, well educated society enjoying economic and political security in this ever shrinking, dangerous world.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Alito is in

Samuel Alito is a man of integrity, a man of obvious intelligence and is experienced with fifteen years on the bench in the second highest court in the land. He comes with the ABA's highest recommendation possible. He is recommended unanimously by his fellow judges on the bench where he currently sits for character, fairness and integrity, and by all the Republicans in the Senate for loyalty reasons, to the party and President. So naturally, most Democrats will vote against him, qualifications and integrety be dammed.
Alito will be approved by the Senate Committee and passed on to the full Senate for and up or down vote and he will win approval by a majority. The Senate Committee's interrogation of Alito was a poor exercise in bad Hollywood entertainment. The highlight of the entire hearing was Mrs. Alito's crying. This was supposed be a display, for the entire country, of how our governmental system of checks and balances works. I works very badly. Why, because Kennedy, Durbin, et al, have decided to oppose anything or anyone the Republicans favor, justified or not.
The debate is not about what is good for the country, as it should be, it's not even about Judge Alito, or Social Security Savings Accounts, or about illegal wire taps, and it hasen't been since 1994 when the Republican's swept into Congressional power.

It's all about power. Always has been, always will be in a democracy. It's all about how you behave when you lose or when you're out of power in government and that is the real test of character. Look at Iraq's trouble in getting organised politically, they are really being tested. Will the minority in their government resort to temper tantrums and saber rattling?

In our government the Democrats are currently, totally out of power. They don't chair committee's, they don't choose agenda's, they are the minority in DC and that is like being one step above dog catcher. The Democrats haven't been in this position for seventy years and they don't like it. They are not in charge of anything and they don't have any say about it except for camera face time and Kennedy's boys don't like it. I can understand one party being opposed to another for philosophical reasons, we all can, but when they start behaving like small children with no say so over their parents decisions, I have no pity.

When a president offers up to the Senate a nominee for associate justice he is likely to pick someone he likes and that pleases his party. For the opposition to oppose the nominee out of simple spite and not for the purpose of showing the public obvious reasons why the judge should not be nominated, says little for oppositions character.

For me, character and conviction in an elected official are number one on my list of reasons to believe in the overall political system. When some politicians display a lack of character not only in them but in their party and it reflects on all of them. I don't care what they believe in they simply turn me off. The public turned off the Senate hearings somewhere just after the beginning of their allotted thirty minute speeches to the camera's began. It was obvious that most Senators were not interested in questioning Alito, they had already had made up their minds on how they were going to vote. They simply wanted face time before their constituents. When the second day of questioning began, the Senators again took up the majority of their allotted time talking to the cameras, leaving little time for Alito to respond to questions. In fact, the ratio of Senators time at the mike to Alito's was something like three to one.
Alito showed intelligence, patience, style, and grace. The Senators showed why their branch of government enjoys a thirty percent approval rating and sinking fast. They just don't get it and it doesn't look like they will anytime soon.