Wednesday, January 09, 2008

After The Primarys in New Hampshire

Romney lost, Obama lost, meaning Hillary and McCain won. Or did they?

Hillary won by a tight margin but did she stop Barack's momentum?

Obama fires up a crowd to the point that all he needs is a slogan and the audience starts shouting it back.'Change we can believe in', believe again, etc.' He continually finds hot buttons to press and it's working. I don't know if anyone knows what he means by those slogans but he's got them riled up. I don't think it will last. I think he will run short of slogans and be exposed as a young, very well intentioned spokesman for the party but his lack of any executive experience in running a government will be glaring in the near future by Hillary.

Hillary is old school politics. She is well connected with a lot of old bureaucrats in Washington and believe me that counts for a big voting machine. They want jobs and they know what to do for Hillary to get them. They have no idea what Obama wants or what he will or won't do for them. Hillary has had a well known, long term leftist political agenda since college. She has wanted to turn America in to the European model of socialism. Her health care agenda is only the beginning, watch her push for nationalising business including oil, energy, and communications. Think of all the new bureaucrats she will create. All this is all scary stuff to me but to the casual voter and observer maybe not.

Most of today's voter is a whole lot less interested in politics than I am. Most are living good and happy with their lot until they are told that we need change, or we need to end this war, or the economy is failing, or we need health care for those forty seven that don't have it. Catchy slogans, scare tactics, sound bites, good hair, groomed appearance, Hollywood endorsements, is the order of the day. Voters have no more idea on what they are getting themselves into than what their kids teacher is teaching their kids.

They don't know that of the forty seven million without health care, that most are fifteen million youngsters working in slow and fast food industries, (I didn't have health insurance for me and my wife until we were in our thirties)or twenty to twenty five million are unregistered and registered aliens, and the rest, a very small minority, are the very, very poor, like the homeless, the unemployed, the chronic unemployed and .

Voters forget, if we don't fight the islamofasists over there we will be fighting them over here. My choice is to fight them over there.

The capitalistic economy has yo-yo ed for years. When the government keeps it's hand off it always rights itself.

The border fence is leaking to the point of our country being unsafe. I say fix it, throw out the bad aliens and make a law to permit US children with alien parents be allowed to gain citizenship, give the rest temporary work permits with expiration dates.

Romney, McCain, Guliani, and Huckabee have a long fight going forward.