Pull out or stay in Iraq.
Have you been following the dialogue between the Democrats and the Republicans over the pull out of Iraq debate? Have you ever seen so much nothing made out of something before? Take the troops out today, tomorrow, next year, slowly, quickly, now, later. How ridiculous do the politicians sound?
Every Democrat is seeking the public eye to say what? To say they agree with continuing to stay the course, and agree with the President, Lieberman. To the other end of the spectrum, we have to get out now, Pelosi, Kennedy. Others are on the fence untill the New Hampshire primarys, Clinton.
Democrats are all over the map but are the Republicans taking advantage of the Democratic mixed message.? No! They have the President making a short speech saying we are listening to the commanders on the ground and we will pull out the troops when we have won the war. Many Democrats say, "How do we know when we have won the war"?
Many citizens are asking the same question because they simply do not understand. But you can bet the Democrats are explaining and confusing the public even more.
The President should do an FDR style weekly fire side chat with the weekly updates of the Military. The President should be saying things like, "Look folks we said after 9/11
that the American people would pursue the terrorists to what ever hole they are hiding in. We will not allow any country to provide safe haven for the terrorists. We will not allow any country to aid and provide comfort to any terrorist. Today, three plus years later, we are still engaged in eliminating those terrorists. They can be found in Iraq making there last stand.
The President needs the people behind him and re-assure them. The Democrats are out in front of the media every day, in large numbers,undercurrentg him. They want their power base back and the Presidents passiveness seems to be giving it to them. The occasional impassioned speechs in front of the clapping military academy is not going to cut it. A frequent chat and update of the war is what is expected. If that chat comes from the Oval Office or by the fireplace it would be more to the point. He would be speaking to the American people, not to the military.
FDR knew how to effectively communicate during equally difficult times. The president needs to find his voice.
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