Christmas is a Tradition
What does Happy Holidays mean? This holiday season is celebrated on December 25th and that is Christmas Day. All the hullabaloo starting from the day after Thanksgiving is pointing to one day, Christmas Day. Why are stores, towns, and schools being so hypocritical about it? It’s more than a Happy Holiday season. It is a time of the year that most, in this country, think of Christmas trees, Christmas Carols, colored lights, Christmas presents and gift giving at the office, family gatherings, Christmas cards, Christmas decorations, celebrating Christ’s birth, Christmas concerts at school, Santa Claus, Rudolph and his eight tiny reindeer, snow and the North Pole.
Stores and towns are removing the tradition of the Holiday Season by removing the word Christmas from advertising and promotions because they are afraid of offending someone or worse, being sued. For two hundred years a store could hang a sign saying Merry Christmas now they are afraid of offending someone. I have a great deal of trouble imagining that. If a Jewish, Agnostic, Atheist, Muslim person or anyone buys a present for a fellow worker, friend, or relative at Christmas, he or she is joining in on one of the traditions of Christmas. A tradition, not a religion is what many of us celebrate at this time of the year, we celebrate a tradition. The tradition of bringing those near and dear to us a little closer under the auspices of a Christian holiday should not offend anyone. Those of us who have wished others, ‘Merry Christmas’ do not necessarily mean it in a religious way, we mean it in a traditional way with all the trappings that come with the holiday.
Holidays like New Years, Forth of July, Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving etc. all have their traditions too, like parades and fireworks, colored eggs, turkey dinner, and scary costumes. We keep those holidays alive by celebrating and doing what we’ve always done, keeping those important traditions alive! For America to be intimidated into changing and American tradition to appease a few Bah Humbugs is wrong The overwhelming majority of us, even non-Christians want to keep the tradition of calling Christmas, Christmas. We want to see it plastered all over store fronts, in school Christmas songs and the “Merry Christmas” greetings I used to get from a Wal Mart, and Target store clerk. Since when does the minority in this country dictate the behavior of the majority? For the past 200 years Jewish people in this country have wished all others Merry Christmas without requesting a change in the traditions all of us have come to enjoy. Some Atheist’s in this country have come forward to object to Christmas. Why should the tradition of Christmas and all it’s trappings fall in favor of the Atheist religion and their tradition of not celebrating Christmas in the American traditional way?
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