Do Atheists work on Christmas Day?
New Years Day comes on Sunday this year and Atheists get the day off. In fact, they take off New Year's and Easter too. Worse, they take every Sunday's off, every week, all year around, all over the world! Why not take off Tuesday's? They ought to establish there own day off from the work week to rest! After all, they must be terribly offended because they don't have to work on Sunday?
What is this all about? It's about tradition and precedent which makes for good law. Supreme Court nominee Judge Alito, when recently questioned, said law is largely about respecting precedent and rulings by prior court decisions.
We were all taught back in High School about British Common Law precedent as being the foundation for the American legal system. So where does that leave Christmas and anything Christian in the American scheme of things? How do liberal judges justify breaking the common law precedent of tradition? Remember the childhood precedent lesson you learned from you big sister, 'na, na, finders keepers, na na'?
The city of San Diego has used a cross as a part of it's symbolic city seal for over a hundred and fifty years because some body wanted to acknowledge a Franciscan Friar for establishing a parish in San Diego. How does a San Diego judge of today order it removed because it offended someone? In God We Trust on the dollar bill might often someone so should we remove it?
The majority of this country is still Christian and has been since the sixteen hundreds. Does that mean we change away from Christian ideals by removing there symbols? It seems to me that that is forcing down the throat Atheist ideals, the very thing Atheists claim to object to. The difference is precedent and tradition. We don't change the law, precedent, or tradition for a few people. We change the law to benefit the many by legislating a new law appropriate to the problem, like handicap laws.
Speaking of being offended, Red, as a color, has offended me since before I was born until Communism fell in the Soviet Union. Now since the United States has been politically split into Red and Blue, conservative or liberal voting states, I love the color red. Although Russia, because of Putin, has the beginnings of a distinct pink glow about it. But that's for a later article.
Christian symbols are everywhere in our everyday life, in city names like San Francisco, to crosses at Arlington, to the Pledge of Allegiance. We acknowledge these precedent setting names and symbols through respect, pride and tradition and until some law appears on the books locally or nationally we need, very badly, to have judges on the bench that respect those precedents and traditions to maintain some continuity in this country.
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