Tiger, Derek, and Obama
Tiger Woods, won another golf tournament today. He is absolutely incredible,and mesmerizing. I watched him play all day yesterday and today, and when he sank that final putt for the win my whole family cheered and declared that what we are watching is legendary. Tiger is someone who comes along in a sport once in a lifetime. In fact, if it weren’t for Tiger I wouldn’t even watch golf.
And I am a die hard Yankee fan. My favorite player is Derek Jeter and has played for ten years on the world stage before millions of his fans. He is a winner, a class act, and he never seems to be controversial, no drugs, no drunken brawls, no nothing. He’s even been questioned about how and available, single, party going guy like him never seems to get in trouble, like many of his peers. He says simply, and repeatedly, "I choose my associates carefully".
It occurred to me that if Tiger and Derek had been attending Barack Obama’s church for the past eighteen years and had Pastor Wright’s hate filled sermons to listen to I would not be watching Tiger this Saturday or Sunday and Derek Jeter would not be my favorite baseball player. I choose carefully who I follow in the sport of baseball and golf. Sports writers would have long ago exposed to the sports world Derek and Tiger's questionable choice in Pastor Wright and his hate filled sermons.
Tiger, Derek and Barack have similar backgrounds. They all have mixed parentage and had to work extra hard, under very difficult, but different circumstances, to get where they are today. They all have had to make choices along the way to further their ambitions and careers. One of the most important choices they made is who they associate with. We know now that Barack made a bad choice in selecting Wright as his mentor and pastor. Barack’s decision making skills are now more than questionable.
Does Barack think anything like Pastor Wright? Why should we not think so? How could he listen to this pastor all these years and not absorb some of this hate thinking himself? Barack has refused to wear the flag pin on his lapel, and he has chosen not put his hand over his heart when the National Anthem is sung. Does that mean something to us? Is that indicative of something? It is to me.
Michele Obama has just recently became proud to be an American. What does that mean? What about her previous forty some odd years? I have been proud to be an American since I was born.
Barack’s pastor says, and I’m now quoting and paraphrasing, ‘God Damn America, God Damn America,’ ‘Whites created HIV to get rid of the black man,’ ‘Chickens came home to roost and that caused 9/11.’ These quotes are just a few of the highlights uttered by this hate filled pastor.
Is Barrack Obama to be given a pass for associating with a hate monger? Should Barack to be viewed in the same light as Governor Spitzer or Michael Vick? Would Tiger and Derek be given a pass? Can you see Obama as our President?
I can’t.
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