Global warming and world wide terrorism.
Al Gore won a big prize for alarming the world about global warming with some pretty tricky film footage in spite of the overwhelming number of scientists that disagree with him.
George Bush sounded the alarm about Muslim Extremists despite the recent and overwhelming number of people who disagree with him.
Somebody must think we are fools. Is the American public foolish enough to think that a few light bulb changes or a few Prius cars running around will make a difference in the world ? Are emerging consumer economies around the world going to slow their growth to save a few pounds of carbon emissions? Will India, China, Viet Nam, Russia, with South America, and Africa, put Catalytic Converters on cars and join us in putting expensive scrubbers in their smoke stacks? I don’t think so, not for many years to come. I don't think India with it's one billion people know what a muffler is. We use twenty five percent of the worlds fossil fuel, the rest of the world uses seventy five percent and growing at an incredible rate. What chance have we got to save the environment when we are competing with the rest of the world and a bunch of volcano’s. But at least we can keep Los Angeles from turning purple.
How about Europe joining us in the war against radical Muslim terrorists? What’s the reason for their hesitation? Bush claims this scourge of terrorism is a threat to our very freedom. Evidently Europeans don’t think so, or is it that they are used to having us fighting their battles for them? Maybe they just don’t see the battle as necessary. How come England and just a few other countries supported us? Is Bush a Global Alarmist, a fool?
Most sane scientists believe the earth is evolving, as it always has through the ages, from global warming to the ice age and we are somewhere in transition. Ice bergs have been melting and refreezing for thousands of years and one large volcano eruption produces more carbon than all the cars and trucks on earth ever have. So why does Gore and others make what I consider false claims on the changing environment and man being the cause? They make the claims for notoriety and money or maybe they are the fools, rich fools.
What's the real reason Bush and his alarmist notions are ignored and scoffed at by Europe and now half this country? Most people don’t like facing grim realities. Most of us would rather not face problems until they come right to our doorstep. France scoffed at Hitler untill he and his boys marched down the Champs elyseese. Europe has faced terrorism for generations and when 9/11 hit us the reaction from the Europeans was; what’s the big deal? Europe has had it’s 9/11’s as almost a way of life and they accept it as a mater of course. Europe doesn’t go to war over it, they try to handle it as a small civil disturbance and get the police involved. And they make concessions, and concessions. America hasn't and I hope they don't.
America saw 9/11 as a wake up call and we were indignant, angry and wanted to stop future 9/11’s. How radical is that? In most European eyes, very radical.. Bush called on Congress and the UN to respond. He enacted a new Cabinet post, Homeland Security, to co-ordinate all spy service’s activities, he developed the Patriot Act, in other words, he reacted in decisive, positive steps to both protect and prevent, and Congress approved his every move. Rightly or wrongly he acted. Obama says it was wrong and he didn’t vote with the majority in Congress.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke.
Next, Bush saw the threat from al Quida extending to supportive countries like Iraq and decided not to wait for a second 9/11, he decided to take preemptive action. He received overwhelming approval from Congress and he acted when all the UN could, or would do is offer another resolution, the fourteenth. Obama says he was against preemption.
Whether you agree with Gore or Bush’s actions, it's your choice, but remember, there has not been another 9/11 in six years, and the makers of those screwy-type light bulbs are making a hell of a lot of money for somebody. Obama, the all_seeing, all-knowing is capitalizing on isolationist policies.
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