Thursday, March 24, 2011

Some Political Rumblings.

On Libya…

Obama is: hedging, vacillating, and has a bumbling stumbling confusing policy. He is engaged militarily, but wants to duck and cover, let NATO run the show, save the endangered rebels but Gadaffi must go, or not. Believe it or not half of the country supports him and his disengaged, engagement. They don’t want us involved in another war. I can respect that but Libyan people are dying because of their nut-job leader and we are supposed to believe that American’s don’t care or just should stand by and watch?
Those that can stand by and watch are the same isolationist American’s that hated Roosevelt for getting us in the Second World War. They hate any President that gets us in any kind of conflict any where. We Americans get into conflicts because we don’t like bullies, not in school, or in running a country. Everybody agrees with that mindset, right? Wrong. Those that choose to tolerate bullies and stand on the sideline while innocents get beat up are using the NY City mindset of not being involved. “It’s not worth”, it is the feedback. Well BS. We can’t fight back against all the bullies of the world but we can choose when and where to make a stand.

On the First Anniversary of Obama Health Care.

Got a government health care plan? Go find a Doctor, or a specialist, or a test facility, good luck. Doctors and Hospitals by the thousands are abandoning treating senior citizens and those on a government assistance plans. Government mandated fee reimbursements are no longer cost effective for the treatment of patients with government insurance. The first thing medical facilities ask when you call for and appointment is the name of your insurance. Now that’s not new but now when you reply with some form of government plan, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. they say they are sorry they are NOT TAKING NEW PATIENTS. Is the next move that the government is going to force them too? Yes that is the plan. That the government has now claimed that thirty million new people will have insurance coverage that they did not have before is wonderful but reality says what good is the insurance when there are not enough doctors to service them or accept it or have fled the health care business entirely. Why are the best doctors in the world right here in America and not in Canada, or England or in Saudi Arabia?
Because the best chance for a decent living and to pay off their school loans is right here. For now.

On Japan,

The earthquake and tsunami were tragic enough but when six nuclear power plants almost went ‘nuclear’ we started rethinking the advisability of constructing more plants right here at home. Maybe that’s a good thing, to rethink how to build them safer. Maybe we need some new updated safety equipment on the ones’ already in operation. One problem per decade is one problem too many.
The immediate and long term after effects of the three tragedies will be felt world wide. Japan has assimilated itself directly into the fabric of the American way of life though it’s people, it’s manufacturing, its technology, and even the fool chain. They are as close to us as we are to each other.

On the 2012 election.

It’s early and it’s scary. I don’t see a serious GOP candidate the can beat Obama unless he’s a governor from New Jersey. The rest have baggage to heavy to overcome voter resistance. Someone with principals that independents can support like, Walker from Wisconsin or Christie from New Jersey. The old guard Republicans need to step aside and let the young winners step up.

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