Newt Gingrich noted recently on the Sean Hannity program that President Obama can't come out and say in so many words that Jihad a bad thing. Hannity was totally lost on why Obama can't face the fact that there are bad people in the world that want to do us harm. Gingrich and Hannity and others on the right know how to call a spade a spade, or a red a red and have had for years no trouble identifying who our enemy's are. It's true that many equate Muslims with bad guys and are scared. Muslim fanatics are the bad guys not Muslims in general. Not to many Muslims are coming forward to condemn fanatics in their religion and there in lies the rub.
Obama blames America for creating those fanatic enemies. In fact, any enemy of America seems to have his sympathy. He believes that America, being a superpower has wielded to much belligerent weight and he is intent on apologising for it. Most others believe we have nothing to apologise for.
The American left tries to look at America from a foreigners eyes, as a bully, greedy, selfish and overly self indulgent nation. We pollute to much, we use to many natural resources, we exploit third world resources like colonialists and our strong military presence around the world intimidates lesser nations. Intimidates so much in fact that it spawns radicals. We, according to the left, are like the great sports teams of the world, the Yankees for example, have many supporters but many more haters. The USA and the New York Yankees are the 'Evil Empire'. Writers love to say how unfair it is that the Yankees have so much and the rest of the league has so little. The US has so much and he rest of the world so little. The US has the number one economy and China number two with China being one forth the economy of the US.
Most Americans are proud of the accomplishments of our country but those on the left try to down play or appease and stroke those that dislike or are jealous (best word) of America.
Sports fans in Pittsburgh are proud of their Pirate ball team and dislike the Yankees, but they will suddenly come out in droves to the their usually half empty ball park when the Yankees come to visit on a rare occasions. Why, because the human condition of admiring or being jealous of success is in all of us, and we just have to be near it. The world might not like us but they do admire us. Obama needs to understand that winning friends around the world by apologising for our greatness will not succeed and his efforts would be better spent by solving problems rather than making empty speeches.
Obama's effort to play down America's success and strengths to the world is witnessed by his sending, and embarrassing, three of his top executives from his administration to the world court to listen to Cuba, Iran, Argentina, etc. accuse America of human rights complaints and abuses. He feels that in the long run America, by this kind of apologetic behavior we will some how, more endear ourselves to the rest of the world. We will be showing our human side more and our bully side less by this Obamaesque form of self- deprecation. People see what you are, not what you say you are. Obama hasn't show that he understands that people are smarter than that.
The left in this country is ashamed of the USA. The left in this country is pointing a finger at America's image and blaming big business, Wall Street, and the military as culprits for why the world hates us. Obama's mission is to repair that image by tearing down and belittling America's successes to the rest of the world. As the lefts offered proof; The UN votes against America on 80% of all issues. Why? Simple answer; the little guy almost always votes against the big guy. Simple reason: They are little.
The left thinks that conservatives in America are so pro-business and reckless in their pursuit of the almighty buck that they will destroy all that is good in America. They fear that the land, air, and water will be destroyed if the pro business community is left unchecked. They believe that conservatives want less government control and a strong military presence around the world to protect those business interests. They fear that conservatives, with their greed and avarice will make more enemies for America than friends. We have been unintentionally creating jealous 'enemies' for generations, it's a side effect of success. I grant that some checks and balances are necessary for every aspect of the business and home community but without successful businesses we would be no better than a third world country, many of which are hungry, unemployed, and with out hope. Big government of the left is strangling energy production, financial management, and global business creation, through demonizing, high taxes and over regulation. The people of this nation finally woke up during mid-term elections and slowed the strangulation. They hope to reverse it in 2012 elections.
Creating big government does not create growth in the economy, businesses do. Government does not pay taxes, big and little businesses do. Government employees do not create products that sell and generate taxes, private industry jobs do. Government should interfere as little as possible with the growth of business.
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