Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Ray of Sunshine

Let’s see, we left you a year ago advising you to downsize, chuck your spending plans, and C.Y.A. from the coming change in our government. (Check my 11/08 blog) Did you take my advice and 'consolidate your assets'?

Now that unemployment is almost 10 per cent everywhere and really closer to 13 per cent… we no longer count those who are no longer looking for work, who ran out of unemployment benefits, or decided to continue school because the job picture is so bleak.

My friends, the way I see it the economy is one that is not going to get much better in the near future.

I gave up writing this blog almost a year ago because no one wants to read gloom and doom, and I don’t enjoy writing it. Obama promised ‘Change’ and he has a liberal Congress to go along with his vision. I thought back then, with Obama’s employment history, his voting record in Congress and his core friends and associates that if he were able to get a supporting Congress, which he has, then you wouldn’t hear from me for quite some time.

Last November I put out a warning and it seems I was prophetic. Now I see a slight ray of sunshine, and increasing indication of a new change, one where Obama’s spending agenda will be frustrated and curtailed by a nervous voting public.

A ray of hope now exists for me in the mid-term elections where enough fiscally responsible Senators and Representatives will get elected to check the liberal wave overcoming Congress. I say fiscally responsible because I don’t believe that only Republican Congressmen are fiscally responsible although they seem to have more sensible leaders at the current time.

Currently this government is one trillion, four hundred billion dollars over budget and wants to continue to fight two wars, install a new health plan, hit up senior citizens for a half a trillion cut in Medicare and Advantage insurance, inject a punitive Cap and Trade bill on the public and businesses, and create a new federal army to ‘protect’ us here at home. The costs for these and other ideas in the pipeline are staggering and confidence in the US dollar internationally is reflected in its sinking value. When the dollar collapses, if the dollar collapses, and the dollar is in some danger, then 10 per cent unemployment will look like a booming economy.

This country’s growth and strong economy has always been sustained by aggressive consumer spending. When government uses the peoples credit and spends the people’s money in ever greater amounts that leads to unemployment, a shrinking economy, loss of confidence, and business troubles with recession. Not a pretty sight.

This government must stop spending and borrowing and change course back toward a pro-business, pro-consumer economy. Electing pro -business Congressmen in the mid-term elections will save our futures and our children’s futures.

It's simple really, go with what works and what we are doing now is not working.

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