Tuesday, April 29, 2008

All is not what it appears to be

Obama isn’t what he has claimed to be to his spell-bound audiences. His denouncement of Rev Wright has been cautious, careful and now showing anger comes too late. Obama claimed only a month ago that he never heard the kind of rhetoric that Wright was shown saying in the many video clips of his Sunday Sermons. That Obama must not have been in church that Sunday, he says, and his public bought that excuse. Then Obama mildly denounced Wright.
Well B.S.
As late as this Monday, in front of the National Press Club the Reverend re-affirmed his racist beliefs and now finally Obama get mad. Why, because he can’t make light of his poor choice of pastor, mentor, and friend any more. Now Obama has to put on a show of anger with this man like many sensible American’s have.
Only now when his run for the highest office in the land is jeopardized by Wright does he renounce his friend with anger, a friend that is a blatant racist.
Again, if Obama didn’t know that his friend was a racist for the past 30 years and that his friends, Farrakhan and associates weren’t also racist, than how can we trust Obama’s selection process and judgment of people that will stand by is side during his term in office.

I believe that his wife Michele, reflected Wright’s negative racial influence when she announced that because her husband received huge support to run for President that she was finally proud to be an American. What happens if and when he loses, will she go back to not being proud to be an American like Reverend Wright? What about Wright’s followers, will they be unable to find a reason to be proud Americans too?

I think this whole dirty race issue is shameful in America society in 2008. Eeveryone thought, including me, that Obama had emerged as a new breed of black Presidential candidate, abeit a left leaning one. One who had shed the old sixties black vs. white, and white vs. black issues and moved on. But no, despite all Obama’s denouncements of Reverend Wright, I just don’t believe him anymore. I think Obama was and still is more influenced by Reverend Jeremiah Wright and friends than we care to know.

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