The struggle between Congress and the President over the warrant-less wiretaps is about power, and who has it. It's not about Constitutional rights.
Have you ever heard so much about and issue where the parties affected, (we the people) are not complaining? Not one person has come forward to complain about their rights being violated. Of course there are those that would like to make the President look bad or want to keep close controll on Presidential powers so they are making a fuss. People know we are at war and the President, as the Commander in Chiefhas been charged with keeping us safe, and like it or not, once war has been declared certain additonal powers flow into his hands. That is what this is about. Some trust him some don't.
The irony of the problem is that the majority of the public want the President to keep doing what he’s doing, keep the country safe. The President has said that he has only authorized wire taps on calls made between al Kaida and US residents. I’m for that.
The press is doing what they do best, stir the pot of controversy. The New York Times had this non-story last fall and saved it for a time when they thought it might harm the President just like CBS wanted to break the non-story about the Presidents millitary record the weekend before the 2004 elections. Fanning disagreements between the two branches of government is food for the presses and sound bites for the TV shows like murder and robbery on the nightly local news. If it smells it sells, and if it doesn’t smell pour BS on it.
If you can get past the press and TV editors, with their own personal agendas, you begin to understand what the real issue is, control and power.
Congress has been doing nothing but desk pounding and camera hawking these days. Very little is being accomplished on the larger issues where Republicans, with their majority in congress and the presidency should be moving ahead on issues like tax reform, education, Social Security, and Medicare.
The opposition, without power, except with the help of a sympathetic press, is doing a very good job of delaying these issues from moving forward.
It took three months to get Alito confirmed even with Republican control of the Senate and the Senate committee. That tells you something about how ineffectual, slow, and full of itself congress really is.
I trust the President over Congress, any day, to keep us safe. He's proven he's good at it for nearly four and a half years.
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