Monday, November 20, 2006

After the election

John Kerry who was for the war, for paying for it, then said he was against it. He called himself a hero of Viet Nam, then had the Swift Boat officers prove him a liar. Kerry denouncing his fellow soldiers as rapists, murders, killers before a Democrat sub committee. He recently called anybody in the military stupid.

Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid, Howard Dean, Durbin, and Kennedy are all against everything and for nothing. They have no new ideas except to raise the minimum wage. They have no ideas for halting the world wide Islamic terror campaign except to say we need to go in a new direction. What direction?

Eighty per cent of the national newspaper and television media are liberal. With zeal they publish government secrets, like NSA’s program for recording calls from Al Quida and Islamic fundamentalists that could repeat a Nine Eleven episode.

Terrorists have been terrorizing the world since way before Nine Eleven but liberals continue to be complacent and hold a blind eye. They believe it is all America’s fault for Islamic terrorism through out the world. Bush, et al, are fighting terror in Iraq instead of here at home. What a brilliant idea, Bush wants to spread liberty in the Middle East and the people of the Middle East voted to prove they want him to do so. What a brilliant concept. Spread liberty and secure our future safty.

If you believe the American media then you believe that there were no elections in Iraq, or Afghanistan, no improvement or gains made, no eighty thousand new businesses, no 100’s of schools reopened, water running , lights that go on, women voting and going to school, driving cars, and holding twenty five per cent of all government positions. In Kurdish northern Iraq there has not been one life lost by terrorism of our military or among the civilian population in over a year. The Kurds have built their first university and named it the American University. They love Americans. There are over a hundred and fifty free and independent newspapers and television stations now operating in Iraq. More than double the oil revenues are now being produced for the people than under Saddam for himself.

We lost 3000 troops and 40,000 Iraqis in three and a half years of fighting Saddam's Bathist party and then Islamic Fundamental terrorists, then death squads, then Shiite and Sunni militias. We lost 3000 troops in Iwo Jima in one hour fighting Japanese. Saddam is responsible for killing over a million of his own people. If we would have left him alone as the Democrats would have done we would have left Saddam to develop and sell or give away weapons to fellow terrorists.

To support of the idea of do nothing, or obstruct, or undermine this countries efforts to end terrorism or despotism as have liberal news media, and liberal politicians have done, and to not promote liberty thought out the world will leave to our children the fight of what O Sama says is WWIII. We in the west are in a global fight of Islamic fundimental thirteenth century beliefs versus freedom.

Friday, August 25, 2006

There Are Socialists in America!

There are Socialists in America. People who believe we would be better off as a nation under a socialist government instead of a capitalist one. They believe America would be a better nation if goverment spread the wealth. A government that controls big business and redistributes money from big corporations and the rich to more evenly balance the amount of money in the public's hands is the government they desire. A government that controls profits and incentives. A government that regulates what everyday people should be charged for items like, housing, power, medical care, and anything else deamed to be too expensive for everyday people.

Dreamers dream of a life in Shangri La where everyone loves one another and everything is free. That days are cloud free, warm and life is comfortable. There is no crime, no waste and everyone is the same.
Then, after sometimes a lifetime of dreaming they wake up to reality and they are suddenly 30,40,50,60,or 70 years old and realize that the real world is a little more competitive than the unreal land of Shangri La. That something or someone is charging for all this bliss.

Most people want to eat better, have a nicer home, to dress better, to give their children a chance to go to a little nicer school and have the things other kids have. What to do? They study, work hard, change their attitude and their values, and become goal oriented capitalists. They turn to the dark side as early as 18, right out of high school, some later in life, some avoid it as long as possible, some never do and become bitter because most everyone became a capitalist but them. They continued to dream of the warm, cloudless days and care free life with no strain, ever.

Of course their is one little caviat. Government workers! Buearucrats! Those that live off the backs of workers that produce goods and services. Government workers enjoy the security offered in Shangri La, no layoffs, no paycuts, no cutbacks in holidays, just cloudless days. Shangri La.

The next thing to look at is the politicans and burearucrats that are responsible for taking pieces of the capitalist's paycheck. Fair minded local, city, state and federal politicans. Who are these people that decide what's fair? We elected them but do they really know what's good for us andwhat they are doing? Are they experts? Which political party traditionally offers lower taxes, smaller government, and encourages business in their campaign pitches? Which party traditionally offers bigger government, higher taxes, and more control over people and business? Which politician affiliates themselves with either ideal?

If I'm now going after a better life as a capitalist I want to manage as much of my paycheck/income as possible, pay the smallest amount of taxes as possible. I want an efficiently run government that allows me to reach my new found goals.
I also want the best return on my retirement savings, Social Security is a rip off. I want the best return on my medical savings , Medicare is also a rip off, and I don't want to be nickled and dimed to death paying hidden extra taxes on gas, cigerettes, inspections, liciences, alcohol, phone, internet, television, movies, resturants, hotels, trains, cars, airlines, clothing, and anything else a politician/ buearucrat can think of to levy. In other words, everything I enjoy seeing , feeling, smelling, tasting, or hearing.
I want to create my own real life Shangri La right here within my own family.
I vote Republican for these reasons.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Hi again

I'mmmm Baaaack!

We moved, finally, to Texas and took a vacation from work, writing this blog and everything. For the last three years we have chased the grand children from Oregon to Orlando and this is it, the last stop, Allen, Texas.

Howdy you all, I missed ya.

Enough! I'ts politics you've come to read, not that maudlin personal stuff!

Immigration, that's the hot topic now and it's gonna be untill we straighten this mess out, untill someone in Washington get's their act together and writes some sensible legislation. First stop the flow and then deal with those already here that's what the people want, so what's so hard?
I've heard they want to build three hundred and seventy miles of fence. Hey has anyone seen the Mexican border? Hello, it's more than three hundred and seventy miles, it's more like a thousand.

Stop the catch and release program. Catch and hold for six months and see if that is a good enough trade off for cleaning apartments or picking fruit.
That's the way to slow the flow.

Mexico is sending their lawyers to fight an Arizona law that makes 'undocumented' aliens, felons, and puts them in jail. Wow the nerve of Mexico!

Those that are already here are not felons or criminals. Our government is to blame for locking the front door and leaving the back door open making it easy to get in. Now that they are here, check them out, send the crooks home and make the honest hard working ones citizens, give them an English/Spanish dictionary and a Social Security card and let them start paying taxes.

And somebody shut the back door!

Charge the underground employers all the unpaid taxes they never collected.

Let Home Land Security do some real law enforcement work for a change. Start documenting the millions with out documents. If you tell all the aliens you are passing out free Green Cards they will flood to your doors.

And the taxes will start rolling in.
So in conclusion, stop the new ones from coming in, get the ones here on the tax rolls and throw out the crooks and bad guys. It will take some work but with the right incentives getting the 'undocumented', documented, it can happen.
I encourage your comments below.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

For the Power and the Glory

If one keeps one’s ear to the ground about American politics lately one can see very clearly the vast chasm of differences in people’s beliefs about what is really going on. Some people believe very deeply in what the President is doing to make our country safe. They believe that this world is not yet ready for world peace.

There are so many factions that make the world an unstable place.
Like the religious faction.
Many in the world and in certain countries are stuck in the thirteenth century and many in those same countries are more than ready for the twenty first century. Of course I am talking about the Arab world. There is so much unrest and stress in the Arab world and only a small part is directed at the west. It’s religious struggle to retain domination. Families are being torn apart over their religion and traditions. Many are embracing new ideas of democracy and freedom. They like he idea of women being treated equally and not like possessions. These countries have been made up of mostly of religious leaders for thousands of years and are struggling toward democracy and the twenty first century. A statement by GW Bush recently was, ‘Democracy’s don’t war on each other.’ So we encourage democracies.

Then there is another front for us to face or turn away, the power faction.
There are world leaders that are kings, dictators, and falsely elected leaders, military leaders that over through the elected leaders. There are all kinds of power grabbing bullies that rule over millions of people without the peoples support just for the sake of power. They don’t care about religion, or their people they just revel in the power that leadership brings. Millions of their people starve, have no work, nor economy. They are murdered at the whim of the leader.

How about the glory faction what do we do here?. Arafat was a glory faction. He kept his grip on the revolution by fomenting his people’s hatred for the Jews. Like Castro’s passion for Communistic socialism he has kept the revolution alive to stay on as the head of state. Castro doesn’t make war on his neighbors and he certainly isn’t rich so it must be for the glory of making his people listen to his four hour speech’s. Kim of North Korea is in it for the glory and the power as well, the glory of besting his father in cruelty and the power of nuclear weapons while millions of his people starve to death.

Our leader is in it for history. The political opponents of GW Bush believe he has made a terrible mistake in invading Iraq and history will prove them correct.
There are people in this country and around the world that believe America should stay out of other people’s business. I think that they believe Bush is simply a liar and a bully and they no matter what is said or done by this administration it will be remembered as the administration that started a war. What began as a war to stop the threat of WMD’s escalated into the War On Terror and they blame GW Bush. What started as a war to avenge the victims of 9/11 moved into uncovering a seething group of religious fanatics that are willing to do anything to return the entire world to the thirteenth century

In the final analysis appointing two conservative justices to the Supreme Court will be one of the more important legacies Mr. Bush will enjoy. And the war on terror, a long decades war, but one I believe we must win for our own survival. President Bush was first to recognize the danger and how important it is for us to win this war on terror, and to drag a great portion of the world, one we greatly depend on for our security and way of life into the twenty first century. He also recognized the very urgent need to reform Social Security with private accounts. He will be recognized as a truly visionary leader if not inspirational leader. He is not in for the power, or the money, or for his religion, or for the glory.

He is in it because we chose him.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The World Needs Anger Management
Ever notice how much hate and anger there is in the world?
“I hate smokers, You make me so angry I could shoot somebody, don’t you just hate it when they do that? We’ve all heard those benign quotes that have entered, over time, our everyday vernacular. What’s new and more troublesome is our low regard for public officials, lawyers, and the law. It’s of concern, or should be, to hear such anger among the populous.
“I hate what he’s done to the country,”
“I hate where the country is going.”
“I hate it when he lies about the WMD’s.”
“I get so mad when I see where his Christian agenda is taking over the courts.”
The other side is no better.
“I hate it when people call him a liar.”
“I hate it when liberals distort the facts.”
‘I hate’ seems to be a world wide common theme of late. There seems to be no ebb in sight. Unrest around the world is growing at a dangerous pace. Everyone seems guilty of hating something or somebody and usually it's someone or something they’ve never even come in contact with, except via the media.

The Arabs hate Israeli’s. Half of Africa hates the other half and there are people in Europe, South America, Asia and the Middle East that actually and actively hate Americans.
Radical Muslims hate everybody. Everybody hates Osama, Saddam, and the bomb. Many Americans hate Muslims, Hispanics, blacks and whites. There are those that hate abortions, abortionists, bible thumpers, melting ice, and leaders of women’s rights. They hate gas guzzling cars, and wasted trips to Mars. And everybody is angry about one side of an issue or the other. It’s not enough just to debate an issue, we have to dredge up anger and hate to effectively make a point.

The New York Yankees are the Evil Empire, they are the hated rivals of the Red Sox. Sports writers refer to the fans as angry mobs. Sport writers used to be content with ‘cross town rivals’ or ‘passionate fans’ now it’s the ‘hated Yankees’ or the ‘bitter rivalry between the two cities of Boston and New York". Fans jump out of the stands and angrily beat up players and coaches and angrily throw $5.00 cups of beer at players. They must be angry to throw away a good cold Budweiser. In Basketball, and Soccer we have incidents of players climbing into the stands to beat up fans. What’s going on? Sports writers love it when they have a fight story they can milk for weeks or months. Can you imagine if a fan or a ballplayer were actually killed over their passion for the game. How long would that story would last on the sports pages or ESPN? Months? Wow, a sports writers dream.
Our cable and radio news shows have followed the sports writers lead by imbuing hate in their articles about political debates, politicians statements, religion, abortion, schools, governments, taxes, the courts and any issue in general needing to be spiced or heated up. Politicians too inject anger during their thirty second sound bites when a camera and mike is thrown in their face. They know what gets the constituents attention when a camera is on them. Anger and Hate. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Saddam, and now Muslim Mullahs were and are masters at spewing hate and anger. They knew and know what gets their audiences attention and keeps it.

World wide media too cleverly inject volatile and provocative words to spice up their stories, words that can change a news story into an editorial, words like; combative, contentious, strained, bitter, threaten, emotional, tension, nervous, caustic, terror, heated, angry, riotous. Reporters find they need these adjectives as crutches to beef up otherwise dull or boring stories, or make exciting stories even spicier.

Headline seeking news shock shows on TV need scare tactics to get attention and they need anger and hate to keep it going. The long popular use of scare tactics can work only for so long. Take today for example, we aren’t as scared of the radical terrorist as we are of the neighborhood child molester. After we get bored with the child molester stories the media will revive the stories by creating a need for us to hate the molester. How long now has the cable news show, The O’Reilly Factor been angry at the judges who give a break to child molesters? O’Reilly has been milking that story for months, like a personal crusade. But he needs us to be angry so we will continue to follow his story. He has the number one cable news show so anger must be working.

People know more about how to hate and be angry than how to scare people or be happy. They know how to hate the neighbors barking dog or the yowling stray cats in their back yard more than they can stay scared of Osama bin Laden. Seeing repeated pictures of OBL walking around some remote mountain in Afghanistan and doesn’t look so scary but we can hate him when we think about how he is responsible for the killing of thousands of Americans and Arabs.

So this month, instead of hating the French, or the industrious Chinese, lets all hate Arabs, especially those from Dubai because they must be Muslim terrorists or their brothers are and the media and Politicians have taught us how to be angry at them.

Of course, Dubai companies service over 500 of our Naval ships yearly and the Navy isn’t scared of them nor do they hate them. The Navy certainly isn’t angry like some politicians are about the prospects of Dubai taking over the operation of some of our ports but that doesn’t make for a good news story because it not hateful enough. So the Navy's opinion is dismissed.
Maybe the politicians are angry at Dubai because they need attention.

I hate it when I get so angry with all these people being so angry. Everyone should take an anger management class. I noticed that there was no such thing a decade ago.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Capitalism and the Marketplace.

by guest columnist,
G. Patrick Henry

Despite the "flaws" in Capitalism, the "marketplace" is still the best check and balance system to control waste fraud and abuse, including so called, "excessive profits".
The alternative to a Capitalist political and economic system which is by Republicans, is a Socialist political and economic system, favored by Democrats.
Throughout history, Socialist political and economic systems have proven not to work for the long term benefit of the people. Socialism is too dependent upon an "individual leader" or a small group of "leaders" for it's success. Conversely, Capitalism depends upon the collective efforts of "individual" people, seeking to reach their fullest potential, unrestrained, to the greatest degree possible, by government influence. Now, of course, there is waste, fraud, abuse, and out right corruption in both systems. But, I contend, "abuses" by private sector entities are subject to the marketplace and are not nearly as damaging as "abuses" carried out by governments, including our own!
I specifically note the government Social Security and Medicare systems, two well intentioned programs, which absent "marketplace" oversight have become monumental disasters for the people! If these two woefully mismanaged "entitlement programs" were not on the books, our fiscal situation would be in great shape, including our current military expenditures and "national debt". And no one in government will ever be held accountable!
Whereas, in the private sector there is a pursuit of accountability , such as the so called "Enron" disasters of the world. Next in line is the public school system. Government involvement in the beginning was fine, but, over time, the public school system needed and still needs "marketplace " reform.
I could go on, but, in conclusion, fear not the "abuses" by Pfizer, Wal Mart, Exxon, and all the other "big corporation" and small businesses. Be more concerned with the central government planners "looking out for us".
As Ronald Reagan said, the scariest words one can hear are,
"I'm with the government and I'm here to help'!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

It’s All About Power, Again.

The struggle between Congress and the President over the warrant-less wiretaps is about power, and who has it. It's not about Constitutional rights.

Have you ever heard so much about and issue where the parties affected, (we the people) are not complaining? Not one person has come forward to complain about their rights being violated. Of course there are those that would like to make the President look bad or want to keep close controll on Presidential powers so they are making a fuss. People know we are at war and the President, as the Commander in Chiefhas been charged with keeping us safe, and like it or not, once war has been declared certain additonal powers flow into his hands. That is what this is about. Some trust him some don't.

The irony of the problem is that the majority of the public want the President to keep doing what he’s doing, keep the country safe. The President has said that he has only authorized wire taps on calls made between al Kaida and US residents. I’m for that.

The press is doing what they do best, stir the pot of controversy. The New York Times had this non-story last fall and saved it for a time when they thought it might harm the President just like CBS wanted to break the non-story about the Presidents millitary record the weekend before the 2004 elections. Fanning disagreements between the two branches of government is food for the presses and sound bites for the TV shows like murder and robbery on the nightly local news. If it smells it sells, and if it doesn’t smell pour BS on it.
If you can get past the press and TV editors, with their own personal agendas, you begin to understand what the real issue is, control and power.

Congress has been doing nothing but desk pounding and camera hawking these days. Very little is being accomplished on the larger issues where Republicans, with their majority in congress and the presidency should be moving ahead on issues like tax reform, education, Social Security, and Medicare.

The opposition, without power, except with the help of a sympathetic press, is doing a very good job of delaying these issues from moving forward.
It took three months to get Alito confirmed even with Republican control of the Senate and the Senate committee. That tells you something about how ineffectual, slow, and full of itself congress really is.

I trust the President over Congress, any day, to keep us safe. He's proven he's good at it for nearly four and a half years.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Is The President spending too much?

New Billions for Medicare drugs, Katrina relief, War on Terror. No Child Left Behind, Agriculture, Roads. Where do we stop? We don't.

Four hundred billion in deficits this year alone and growing in spite of record revenues from a record healthy growing economy.

Congress sends to the President all spending bills but the President has veto power, so why hasn't he? Not one veto.

The Democrats have been known in the past as the big spenders and big government but President Bush is giving that title a run for its money.

I realize that spending money helps Congressmen and the President stay in power, after all, that is the way its always been. Now, for the first time in seventy years we have a Republican President and Congress in office for more that four consecutive years and they want to keep it that way.

Over the many years the Democrats have been power they have slowly eroded America's conservative independent view of what government should be and have pushed an agenda of liberal, big government socialist programs. Over the years the Democrats have appointed activist judges to move their agenda when congress could not . Democrats have been pointing us in the direction of the European model of cradle to grave government care for all its citizens.
We should take note that Europe is growing weaker, economically, by the day, due to socialist ideologies. Canada, France, and Germany are beginning, ever so slightly, to see the error in their ways by voting conservatively in recent elections.
I do not necessarily like it, but I think the present administration and Congress are using the same successful pork barrel methods the Democrats have used for years to move their agendas. So long as the Republicans stay in power I believe the Republicans will slowly, bit by bit, change the present Social Security system, the tax code, and the public school system, plus strengthen the economy further, and bring the Middle East into the twenty first century. I think that the Republicans, given the time and leaders of conviction like Bush, can reshape the American way of life away from a depressing, disrespected socialist welfare state to a strong, well educated society enjoying economic and political security in this ever shrinking, dangerous world.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Alito is in

Samuel Alito is a man of integrity, a man of obvious intelligence and is experienced with fifteen years on the bench in the second highest court in the land. He comes with the ABA's highest recommendation possible. He is recommended unanimously by his fellow judges on the bench where he currently sits for character, fairness and integrity, and by all the Republicans in the Senate for loyalty reasons, to the party and President. So naturally, most Democrats will vote against him, qualifications and integrety be dammed.
Alito will be approved by the Senate Committee and passed on to the full Senate for and up or down vote and he will win approval by a majority. The Senate Committee's interrogation of Alito was a poor exercise in bad Hollywood entertainment. The highlight of the entire hearing was Mrs. Alito's crying. This was supposed be a display, for the entire country, of how our governmental system of checks and balances works. I works very badly. Why, because Kennedy, Durbin, et al, have decided to oppose anything or anyone the Republicans favor, justified or not.
The debate is not about what is good for the country, as it should be, it's not even about Judge Alito, or Social Security Savings Accounts, or about illegal wire taps, and it hasen't been since 1994 when the Republican's swept into Congressional power.

It's all about power. Always has been, always will be in a democracy. It's all about how you behave when you lose or when you're out of power in government and that is the real test of character. Look at Iraq's trouble in getting organised politically, they are really being tested. Will the minority in their government resort to temper tantrums and saber rattling?

In our government the Democrats are currently, totally out of power. They don't chair committee's, they don't choose agenda's, they are the minority in DC and that is like being one step above dog catcher. The Democrats haven't been in this position for seventy years and they don't like it. They are not in charge of anything and they don't have any say about it except for camera face time and Kennedy's boys don't like it. I can understand one party being opposed to another for philosophical reasons, we all can, but when they start behaving like small children with no say so over their parents decisions, I have no pity.

When a president offers up to the Senate a nominee for associate justice he is likely to pick someone he likes and that pleases his party. For the opposition to oppose the nominee out of simple spite and not for the purpose of showing the public obvious reasons why the judge should not be nominated, says little for oppositions character.

For me, character and conviction in an elected official are number one on my list of reasons to believe in the overall political system. When some politicians display a lack of character not only in them but in their party and it reflects on all of them. I don't care what they believe in they simply turn me off. The public turned off the Senate hearings somewhere just after the beginning of their allotted thirty minute speeches to the camera's began. It was obvious that most Senators were not interested in questioning Alito, they had already had made up their minds on how they were going to vote. They simply wanted face time before their constituents. When the second day of questioning began, the Senators again took up the majority of their allotted time talking to the cameras, leaving little time for Alito to respond to questions. In fact, the ratio of Senators time at the mike to Alito's was something like three to one.
Alito showed intelligence, patience, style, and grace. The Senators showed why their branch of government enjoys a thirty percent approval rating and sinking fast. They just don't get it and it doesn't look like they will anytime soon.