The public is angry with the lack of jobs, government excessive spending, corruption and waste. Promises were made and high hopes were raised for people wanting something for nothing like health care. Or single issue voters who wanted immigration enforcement, or the troops to come home and the war to end or the hope and change crowd, who weren't sure what that meant but wanted something positive to happen. Angry voters wanted to punish banks and Wall Street. Instead, they got wild spending for no return. They got even higher unemployment, huge new government deficits and more confusion with business, banks and Wall Street resulting on current growth stagnation. And the war goes on.
New, yet to be understood government regulations and threats of raising taxes along with still unknown health care costs have put the clamps on business borrowing and risk taking. This is killing job creation. Banks are unsure of yet to be determined government regulations to lend to business and home buyers. Government interference in the market place has created stagnation, fear and uncertainty.
Big business needs to show profit to shareholders and they currently are. Their top line has suffered while everything has been done to shore up the bottom line. But the old business adage of, Grow or Die is always in play and growth is hampered by high taxes and the unknown. Businesses have gotten lean and cautious while building reserves because they are leery of what the government might be up to next. Small business are not as flexible as large corporations, they sometimes operate like the average wage earner, month to month. They need to borrow in the lean times and when lending institutions find themselves in uncertain times like now, they say no to small business loans.
The uncertainty?
What is the government planing next? Are they going to raise taxes by letting the Bush tax cuts run out effecting many small businesses and jobs expire or lower corporate taxes to allow big businesses to be more competitive world wide? Good luck on both counts. Will the Pay Czar or another business Czar step in and cause the top people in banks and business to walk away? Is the current government pro business or not? Take a guess.
Our government is so out of touch with citizen and business needs that this November changes should be made in Congressional and Senate seats. There is hope that the current liberal-socialist trend in this country will be seen by the average voter as counter productive to job creation and economic growth. Changes in government will come because there is too much instability in our daily lives. Whether we own a business, work at a job, retired, or unemployed we don't feel comfortable now or about the future. Even the never-working voter is uncomfortable with and uncertain future. Our comfort level determines how we vote.
Tea party movements nationwide have been a reflection of that discomfort.
Set aside for a moment your political point of view and recognise that the reason so many diverse average citizens have grouped together at Tea Party rallies shows their frustration with government. These are not unruly one-issue-mobs burning flags or defying police lines, or making threats of any kind, they are you and me, unhappy with the way things are with our current administration and trying to tell the administration to change it's ways or be voted out of office. Is the administration listing? I don't think so.
Have you ever seen so many private political emails between friends and acquaintances for and against our current government? That's a Tea Party movement in hyperspace.
Still there are many out there that are angry, apathetic and ill informed and they are the ones that scare me the most. They are voters that vote their emotions rather than with informed minds. More the fifty percent of the public does not pay taxes. Voters that are poor, on welfare, disabled, retired, or rich feel guilty about it, are not likely to vote for candidates that espouse cutting government spending. If anything fifty percent want more goodies, like free health care, free education, guaranteed jobs, housing, food, energy, etc. There is no end to the things that people want for free. There will always be politicians out there making promises to give it to them. It's getting scarier, and scarier when so many are blindly willing to accept a free ride.
The remaining fifty percent has to convince the 'in love with government' public that free goodies are not in their best interest. Good luck with that.
Freedom isn't free.