Friday, May 16, 2008

Let’s Burst The Media Bubble.

Let’s burst the media bubble.

The Dot Com bubble burst in the nineties, the housing bubble burst in the first decade of the new Milena. Now it’s time that we burst the phony media bubble.

Ted Turner taught us that real news is a big, highly profitable business. In creating CNN, he expanded world news way beyond what CBS, NBC and ABC were doing.

Remember, Walter Cronkite, Eric Sevareid, Edward R. Murrow and other trusted network reporters, commentators, and correspondents of the fifties and sixties? You know of course, that they had extended control of what they reported. We trusted our favorite reporters and they were careful and subtle about their bias’s.

Who knew, early on, that the New York and Los Angeles Times were left leaning socialist promoting Democrat favoring dailies?

Ted Turner came along and taught us that news is big business, really big business. He created a whole new medium in CNN and in so doing opened the eyes of the public about what really good news reporting is. He reported the simple news from where ever it was happening. It was exciting, topical, and profitable very profitable.

Then cable jumped it to compete with CNN and the big three networks. New news shows like, Fox and CNBC exploited the news revenue boom. Dan Rather was exposed and CBS as a big time left leaning channel that was anti Bush during his campaign for the President. Editorials in The Times were exposed as left leaning as well. They even took a poll among reporters during the Presidential Democratic Convention and found that eighty five percent were registered Democrats. To be fair, Republican leaning radio star Rush Limbaugh, Cable Fox News and The Wall Street Journal had chosen sides too, just like the country had chosen sides.

We have people in the media that have earned their chops not by toiling away as reporters for years but as well spoken media stars who are selling us daily on their points of view. Unfortunately they are not reporters, but salesmen. The public is not getting real news anymore but editorials, and that’s not real news to anyone but it's effect on the public is.

If the media is to be believed then we have the worst President of all time (the polls say so) because, they say, he created a tragic housing market, terribly high energy costs, a disastrous economy, and an unwinnabe war. Salesmen media have done a clever job of genetating revenue for their futures and by pointing the finger at Republicans. You can tell by the polls.

The facts are that America has a 5% unemployment rate, lower than most of the free world, low interest rates, lower than most of the free world, no more terror attacks since 9/11, a totally unpopular, uncooperative Congress, and ninety eight percent of home owners paying their mortgages on time. We have an oil crisis brought on by forty years of Congresses and environmentalists forcing America into becoming the most energy dependent in history. We have no new oil refineries in the works, no new oil drilling in Alaska or the west cost, the gulf cost or the east cost and no new nuclear plants in the works. We are fighting a war that we cannot afford to lose because we are up against an enemy that believes they are in a religious war.

We have had economic ups and downs in this country for many decades. We have had unpopular Presidents before, we have had Congresses that have had low ratings before. We have had darling Presidential candidates before. We have fought wars, had inflation, high unemployment , high gas prices, and companies losing money. But we have never had such strident bias in the media with such a powerful influence over the public before. The media has painted a mass hysteria, lock step picture that is leading the public down the proverbial garden path.

The public actually believes that the country is in terrible economic straits, that we are hated by the rest of the world and a new messiah is coming to save us. It ain’t true folks, it’s a irresponsible media hyped story with a political agenda that’s only good for advertising revenue and Democrats.

By the way CNN is no longer owned by Ted Turner and the mass media is no longer reliable. Trust only the Internet for the truth. I suggest The Drudge Report for starters.