John Kerry who was for the war, for paying for it, then said he was against it. He called himself a hero of Viet Nam, then had the Swift Boat officers prove him a liar. Kerry denouncing his fellow soldiers as rapists, murders, killers before a Democrat sub committee. He recently called anybody in the military stupid.
Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid, Howard Dean, Durbin, and Kennedy are all against everything and for nothing. They have no new ideas except to raise the minimum wage. They have no ideas for halting the world wide Islamic terror campaign except to say we need to go in a new direction. What direction?
Eighty per cent of the national newspaper and television media are liberal. With zeal they publish government secrets, like NSA’s program for recording calls from Al Quida and Islamic fundamentalists that could repeat a Nine Eleven episode.
Terrorists have been terrorizing the world since way before Nine Eleven but liberals continue to be complacent and hold a blind eye. They believe it is all America’s fault for Islamic terrorism through out the world. Bush, et al, are fighting terror in Iraq instead of here at home. What a brilliant idea, Bush wants to spread liberty in the Middle East and the people of the Middle East voted to prove they want him to do so. What a brilliant concept. Spread liberty and secure our future safty.
If you believe the American media then you believe that there were no elections in Iraq, or Afghanistan, no improvement or gains made, no eighty thousand new businesses, no 100’s of schools reopened, water running , lights that go on, women voting and going to school, driving cars, and holding twenty five per cent of all government positions. In Kurdish northern Iraq there has not been one life lost by terrorism of our military or among the civilian population in over a year. The Kurds have built their first university and named it the American University. They love Americans. There are over a hundred and fifty free and independent newspapers and television stations now operating in Iraq. More than double the oil revenues are now being produced for the people than under Saddam for himself.
We lost 3000 troops and 40,000 Iraqis in three and a half years of fighting Saddam's Bathist party and then Islamic Fundamental terrorists, then death squads, then Shiite and Sunni militias. We lost 3000 troops in Iwo Jima in one hour fighting Japanese. Saddam is responsible for killing over a million of his own people. If we would have left him alone as the Democrats would have done we would have left Saddam to develop and sell or give away weapons to fellow terrorists.
To support of the idea of do nothing, or obstruct, or undermine this countries efforts to end terrorism or despotism as have liberal news media, and liberal politicians have done, and to not promote liberty thought out the world will leave to our children the fight of what O Sama says is WWIII. We in the west are in a global fight of Islamic fundimental thirteenth century beliefs versus freedom.