There are Socialists in America. People who believe we would be better off as a nation under a socialist government instead of a capitalist one. They believe America would be a better nation if goverment spread the wealth. A government that controls big business and redistributes money from big corporations and the rich to more evenly balance the amount of money in the public's hands is the government they desire. A government that controls profits and incentives. A government that regulates what everyday people should be charged for items like, housing, power, medical care, and anything else deamed to be too expensive for everyday people.
Dreamers dream of a life in Shangri La where everyone loves one another and everything is free. That days are cloud free, warm and life is comfortable. There is no crime, no waste and everyone is the same.
Then, after sometimes a lifetime of dreaming they wake up to reality and they are suddenly 30,40,50,60,or 70 years old and realize that the real world is a little more competitive than the unreal land of Shangri La. That something or someone is charging for all this bliss.
Most people want to eat better, have a nicer home, to dress better, to give their children a chance to go to a little nicer school and have the things other kids have. What to do? They study, work hard, change their attitude and their values, and become goal oriented capitalists. They turn to the dark side as early as 18, right out of high school, some later in life, some avoid it as long as possible, some never do and become bitter because most everyone became a capitalist but them. They continued to dream of the warm, cloudless days and care free life with no strain, ever.
Of course their is one little caviat. Government workers! Buearucrats! Those that live off the backs of workers that produce goods and services. Government workers enjoy the security offered in Shangri La, no layoffs, no paycuts, no cutbacks in holidays, just cloudless days. Shangri La.
The next thing to look at is the politicans and burearucrats that are responsible for taking pieces of the capitalist's paycheck. Fair minded local, city, state and federal politicans. Who are these people that decide what's fair? We elected them but do they really know what's good for us andwhat they are doing? Are they experts? Which political party traditionally offers lower taxes, smaller government, and encourages business in their campaign pitches? Which party traditionally offers bigger government, higher taxes, and more control over people and business? Which politician affiliates themselves with either ideal?
If I'm now going after a better life as a capitalist I want to manage as much of my paycheck/income as possible, pay the smallest amount of taxes as possible. I want an efficiently run government that allows me to reach my new found goals.
I also want the best return on my retirement savings, Social Security is a rip off. I want the best return on my medical savings , Medicare is also a rip off, and I don't want to be nickled and dimed to death paying hidden extra taxes on gas, cigerettes, inspections, liciences, alcohol, phone, internet, television, movies, resturants, hotels, trains, cars, airlines, clothing, and anything else a politician/ buearucrat can think of to levy. In other words, everything I enjoy seeing , feeling, smelling, tasting, or hearing.
I want to create my own real life Shangri La right here within my own family.
I vote Republican for these reasons.