For the Power and the Glory
If one keeps one’s ear to the ground about American politics lately one can see very clearly the vast chasm of differences in people’s beliefs about what is really going on. Some people believe very deeply in what the President is doing to make our country safe. They believe that this world is not yet ready for world peace.
There are so many factions that make the world an unstable place.
Like the religious faction.
Many in the world and in certain countries are stuck in the thirteenth century and many in those same countries are more than ready for the twenty first century. Of course I am talking about the Arab world. There is so much unrest and stress in the Arab world and only a small part is directed at the west. It’s religious struggle to retain domination. Families are being torn apart over their religion and traditions. Many are embracing new ideas of democracy and freedom. They like he idea of women being treated equally and not like possessions. These countries have been made up of mostly of religious leaders for thousands of years and are struggling toward democracy and the twenty first century. A statement by GW Bush recently was, ‘Democracy’s don’t war on each other.’ So we encourage democracies.
Then there is another front for us to face or turn away, the power faction.
There are world leaders that are kings, dictators, and falsely elected leaders, military leaders that over through the elected leaders. There are all kinds of power grabbing bullies that rule over millions of people without the peoples support just for the sake of power. They don’t care about religion, or their people they just revel in the power that leadership brings. Millions of their people starve, have no work, nor economy. They are murdered at the whim of the leader.
How about the glory faction what do we do here?. Arafat was a glory faction. He kept his grip on the revolution by fomenting his people’s hatred for the Jews. Like Castro’s passion for Communistic socialism he has kept the revolution alive to stay on as the head of state. Castro doesn’t make war on his neighbors and he certainly isn’t rich so it must be for the glory of making his people listen to his four hour speech’s. Kim of North Korea is in it for the glory and the power as well, the glory of besting his father in cruelty and the power of nuclear weapons while millions of his people starve to death.
Our leader is in it for history. The political opponents of GW Bush believe he has made a terrible mistake in invading Iraq and history will prove them correct.
There are people in this country and around the world that believe America should stay out of other people’s business. I think that they believe Bush is simply a liar and a bully and they no matter what is said or done by this administration it will be remembered as the administration that started a war. What began as a war to stop the threat of WMD’s escalated into the War On Terror and they blame GW Bush. What started as a war to avenge the victims of 9/11 moved into uncovering a seething group of religious fanatics that are willing to do anything to return the entire world to the thirteenth century
In the final analysis appointing two conservative justices to the Supreme Court will be one of the more important legacies Mr. Bush will enjoy. And the war on terror, a long decades war, but one I believe we must win for our own survival. President Bush was first to recognize the danger and how important it is for us to win this war on terror, and to drag a great portion of the world, one we greatly depend on for our security and way of life into the twenty first century. He also recognized the very urgent need to reform Social Security with private accounts. He will be recognized as a truly visionary leader if not inspirational leader. He is not in for the power, or the money, or for his religion, or for the glory.
He is in it because we chose him.