What is AARP's Agenda?
Can someone explain to me AARP's agenda on Social Security? I'm a sixty five year old disgusted member. They bragged in their latest issue of their magazine that they had been successfully promoting the idea that Social Security just needs some tweaking with thousands of ad spots that reached millions of people. They are making a supreme effort to beat back the president's idea of private accounts for people under fifty five by saying that this is a terrible, ruinous idea. I believe that the AARP's lobby for senior citizens interests and programs in Washington is for the most part a good thing. I know that they count among their membership only people over fifty. I would be willing to bet that the majority of their membership is well over sixty and problably averages my age. Then just who is AARP speaking so vociferously for? The president has already said that his recommended changes to Social Security would not effect anyone over fifty five. I suspect that AARP has and ulterior motive for embracing the current Social Security so lovingly though what it is I'm darned if I can figure out.
The average recipient of a Social Security check gets $955.00 per month. That is less that poverty level income. AARP and many Democrats are intent on preserving that poverty level of income for it's senior citizens. Twelve and a half per cent of all wages comes out of each paycheck for the purpose of providing a decent respectable retirement income for forty five years. The government thinks the current payout is something worth bragging about. If you die before you are sixty five your heirs get nothing for all the money you have paid into the governments little ponsy system. If a private insurer offered that retirement deal you would laugh in his face.
The Thrift Savings plan offered to government employees pays instead, five thousand dollars per month at retirement and over a million cash settlement at age sixty five. Now I could live quite nicely on that. Which would you take, but, too bad, you have no choice.
There are currently eighteen workers for every retired Social Security recipient. There were, only a few years ago, over thirty, soon within my son's lifetime their will be only three. How long do you think the government will be able to continue to send me my check? Will they be able to send my son, who is in his fortys, a check when his turn comes to collect his poverty level stipend, with only some minor tweaking to Social Security as AARP suggests?
No my friends. methinks that AARP has some other agenda, they have too. Membership be dammed. Their spirited cause seems to insult the very recipients of Social Security membership they claim to represent. We know how much Social Security pays us each month. Can any one of us stand up and bragg about how much we are getting back after forty five years of paying in?
I didn't think so.