Newt Gingrich, Brilliant!
Today, I listened to Newt Gingrich talk about our reasons to continue the fight against terrorist Muslim fanatics in the middle east and I continue to wonder why the left doesn't get it or doesn't want to get it. The man is the most eloquent political statesman this country has seen is a generation.
I also heard a middle aged American Muslim woman call into the Rush Limbaugh show and state that it serves no good for a Muslim to swear in court on the Bible or the Koran because the Koran teaches that it is OK to lie to the infidel, to defeat the infidel at his game, or his goal or whatever.
Just like many Christians ignore parts of the Bible, like an eye for and eye, many Muslims ignore the word for word teachings in the Koran. All of us, from all religions or no religions know what is right from wrong but there is in this world five percent of the populous that ignore what the other ninety five percent of us know. We know what is wrong, from something as serious as taking a life to stealing, to simply lying.
Ninety five percent of the world don't do wrong but five percent do. So when that five percent decide to concentrate their efforts in one area that makes it easier for them to be defeated and to discourage the rest.
Some radical Muslims are a threat to our future, just as some Christians during the Crusades were a threat to the future of the Arab world's holiest places and people.
For my money too many people have died in the name of religion. Any religion that advocates death to anyone should be outlawed as treasonous.