My First Posting
Since this is my opening blog I will simply state my political views up front and move into specifics after.
I am conservative in the size and scope of government, and conservative in the interpretation of the Constitution. I am against liberal interpretation of the law, against liberal spending by government and against the growth of the federal government.
All too often I hear complaints from both sides of the political isle that the media is bias. It is bias, it's up to the public to interpret the truth. Fortunately the conservative truth has more spokespersons now then ever before, with Rush, Sean, and many others but they are still in the minority. The vociferous vilification from the left only enhances the right and makes them more popular.
The constant hammering of Karl Rove at present is an example of the effective use of media to push an agenda. The agenda being to take away from Bush the most effective non-formalized Chief of Staff, ever. His effectiveness in the political area is legend already. His abilities to get Republicans elected, including Bush is so scary to the Democratic Party in 2006 an 2008 that they will even tone down the rhetoric against Bush's pick for the Supreme Court in order to once again reclaim and re-ignite the media feeding frenzy against Rove.
He's that important.