Saturday, November 26, 2022

World map

There should be a 4 by 4 world map on every class room wall in America! Children today have no idea where world threats to our country are coming from, where immigrants are coming from. There should be a 4 by 4 map of the United States on every class room wall in America! The average student should know where they are in relation to everyone else.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

One Issue Voters

           In local and national elections, voters vote on what they are emotional, passionate or scared about, like the candidates views on the death penalty, or woman's rights, abortion, drugs, religion, closing Guantanamo Bay Prison, ending military involvement somewhere, a union supporter, and many other local and national individual issues. Candidates feed and get elected on those passions or emotions with well chosen slogans or sound bites. 'Change You Can Believe In,' a video of a Atom bomb explosion, a candidate emerging from a tank, 'Win one for the Gypper,' all contributed to the candidate's election. Yet they said nothing of the man's qualifications or values.
Voters should elect a President and a Congress who's party is for lower taxes, smaller government, personal and leadership responsibility, strong national defense, and state's rights.
Voters must cool there individual passions in favor of the national parties interests. And if that party chooses a candidate that also reflects some voters individual heartfelt issues,  consider that a bonus.
Because one parties platform is the opposite of the other, a party of higher taxes, larger government, less personal responsibly, weak national defense, and diminished state's rights. 
Temporally setting aside individual passions in favor of the party of choice gets you where you want to be in the long run. All your singular issues must take a back seat for the greater good of the party and that includes voting for a candidate that belongs to the ex, NRA and you don't.
Is your candidate and experienced executive or legislator?
Lastly, let me say that a candidate is who he or she is surrounded by. Good executive's choose and rely on close friends and supporters in their administrations. Your vote for the candidate is a vote for all those that surround him or her. Examine them carefully, they reflect who the candidate really is, not what he or she says they are.
So it's more that just electing or rejecting candidates that are for or against the your singular passionate issue.
Think the big picture!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


America is living in chaos. Foreign policy, economics and socially we are unstable and uncertain of much of anything.
Is this deliberate or random chaos? I think it is deliberate. I can't believe that the majority of our government supports a deliberate decline of America. I know that there are many in America that would like to see America collapse.
I know of some that subscribe to theory that the more confused people are about their future the more they are susceptible to someone eloquent who offers stability no matter what the price. First tear down society then rebuild it in the image you believe in.
We the people want stable dependable jobs, secure homes and security for our families. Have we been pushed hard enough to accept a new form of government? What form? Who runs it?
Right now people are not sure of their future. Foreign countries are not sure of America's future. Are we a risk for investment? Sure we are, we are spending like drunken sailors and borrowing like there is no tomorrow. Who is doing all this borrowing and spending? Our government. Are we spending into bankruptcy? On purpose?
Long and short term investors here at home are holding back investing in businesses and securities not because those businesses are failing but because investors are uncertain of the future.
America shows uncertainty in foreign policy by disrespecting our long term friends and encouraging current foes. The vast majority of UN members have voted consistently against America on wide majority of issues raised. These same members receive millions from us in foreign aid. The inconsistency of foreign policy leads to doubt about our commitments around the world. We are either committed or we are not. We either have friends or we don't. Why is that such a hard concept to follow through on?
Socially there many daily examples of public elected officials pushing the bounds of honor. We have leaders that lie like it's a natural thing to do. Anyone can have forgivable faults and hidden agenda, but when caught, to lie about it is unforgivable. Lying by public officials is or should be grounds for immediate dismissal. When very public people come out and support a lying public official because the official was good at his job only supports moral decay and acceptance of dishonest behavior. How can he be good at his job when he is caught lying to the public? The line drawn must be clear to all of us, unfortunately there are many that blur it. We do it almost every day. Just listen or watch the news. Our kids are.
We need new leaders that have honor, stability and a positive unblurred direction for American.
Ask yourself this question.
Was America so confused and uncertain just a few short years ago?